MUA Pro-Base Fixing Mist PPR £3 from Superdrug

So to be completely honest I have never used a fixing mist or all nighter spray to compare this to.

However I will still give my opinion on the item, and for only £3 it is worth a try.

So the main thing is that it does work, it is said to work against heat, humidity, cold and wind and so far I have found that it does work. Its supposed to last up to 8 hours, I would say that its more like 4-6 depending on what you are doing, if your going for a night out on the dance floor then its more like 4. however it does help and it keeps my foundation and eye make up on longer.

the only really bad point is the spay itself, you have to shake and spray in a horizontal motion, however either its to thin to do this or the nozel used is not great as it comes out in large droplets and takes quite a while to dry, these large droplets to not make your make up go anywhere, its just inconvenient as you expect a nice mist that covers evenly. with this you have to use more than expected to get a good cover.

so overall its a good product for the price, just be wary of the way it sprays, for all I know I may have a slight dud, but until I run out I'm going to have to assume they are all like this. Even with this one bad point I will be re-purchasing once I run out.

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