Easter is upon us already, just like christmas it comes once a year and it seems to come faster every time. Long gone is the excitement of having 12 eggs all to yourself (a stupid amount that you never ate but reveled in the counting). I was never really fussed on the actual egg, more the chocolate bar/mug/packet of sweets that came inside the egg or just in the box.

As an only child I ended up with far more than I could ever eat alone and my parents ended up helping me eat half of the eggs. As an adult I now get 2 each year, once from my parents and once from the in-laws. Getting an egg brings back a great feel of childhood and excitement until my all to adult brain takes over and after only 10 seconds I'm 27 again and already bored of the whole thing. What am I looking forward to? having 4 consecutive days of work, spending 2 days with my husband and just chilling out, I may go wild and have a games night but adult me is just more for sitting on my bum.

For those of you with children or who don't like staying in, or need ideas of things to do
here are a few things for you:

  • have a easter egg hunt - easy to do and fun for 10 minutes, can do it in house if the weather is bad.
  • go out - go to the cinema, bowling, have a picnic if its nice - enjoy the family time
  • make something - some cupcakes or a cake and have fun decorating them, if you have not got time or just want to do something simple make some rice crispy cakes
  • make paper baskets and flowers to give to family
  • have a games night - monopoly, cludo, scrabble, uno - whatever you like
  • make a t-shirt/trousers - all you need is a few slightly worn tops/jeans and a few dying pieces of clothing to cut up, glitter, some odd bits and bobs and some fabric glue, make a game with the kids then put on a fashion show
  • story/poem time - give the lids some words and get them to make a easter story/poem about it that they have to put pictures too - should kill half an hour
  • if the weather is nice, arrange for a group of friends to get together and do a scavenger hunt, using local landmarks as clues to move the groups on, prize could be a pint at the end of the game!
These are not the best ideas, but they may inspire you to do something better, Have a great easter and don't eat too much chocolate!

We all have days when we haven't had time to wash our hair or we are running late for whatever reason. This is when dry shampoo is a must.

My mother used to tell me to use talcum powder, put a little on your hands, rub hands together to even out and slowly put on hair from roots to tips, rubbing and them brushing in. Talcum does work but adds a dullness to the hair, but at a push it is a good trick to get an extra day out of your hair.

As I got older and got into beauty products, I found Dry shampoo, now my preference is Batiste as for me its the best formula I've found for the price, some of the cheaper ones don't last long or just don't really soak up the grease.

I don't use it often, generally the largest can will last me a year, so for £5 a year its not really a bad investment to help your hair look healthier and gain a much needed few hours. To anyone who has never tried It, I would thoroughly recommend picking up a can and giving it a go, Dry Shampoo is truly a god send.

I keep going from blonde to brown and back again, I have now been a brown for 18months and I miss being blonde. Once you have turned blonde no matter what you do you eventually want to go back to it. I Like the color I am at the moment but I miss looking at my long blonde locks.

Just before I dyed it blonde I had all my hair cut off, It was lovely short, but I love my hair long. It needed to be cut though, After I got married my hair was just fried, so as sad as it was when I cut it all off it needed it and its now growing back in really good condition. I'm attributing this to hardly using the straightners or blow dryer unless I'm going out, I leave my hair down when going to bed and using a whole host of product to protect my hair.

So I want it long and blonde, the length will take another 18 months maybe 12, but the color I can do now. As I don't want to loose the condition, I'm opting to take the long route to get my hair back to its rightful color. I'm going to start with a dark blonde dye to take out the brown and slowly go a lighter shade each month until I am at the color I want. I hope it will only take about 6 months but it may take a lot longer.

Here's to being the life of the party again soon.
This Is a outfit I have put together for spring,
Blue Floral Shirred Waist Sleeveless Dress£12.99 New Look
New Look Savannah Turquoise Strapped Sandals £19.99 ASOS

Stone Crochet Panel Clutch £12.99 New Look
Silver Polished Metal Peter Pan Collar £5.99 New Look
3 Pack Cream and Pink Hair Bows £3.99 New Look
Gold Glitter Club Master Sunglasses £4.99 New Look

Put together your spring outfit and send me the link, I would love to see your ideas.
So the other day I had a bit of a spree, I haven't had one in a long while, reviews to follow in the coming weeks for certain items, but for now I just wanted to share what I'd bought.

1. Maybelline super 24 hour stay in 240-Plum Seduction from boots £8.99
    Maybelline 14hr lipstick in 510-non stop red from boots £8.99 (these are currently 3 for 2 my friend 
     had the other one)
    Natural Collection Lipstick in a sheer natural called sherbet from Boots £1.99
    Natural Collection eyeshadow shade in Barley from Boots £1.79
    The Plum Seduction is a nice dark plum and very high shine, the non stop red is really really 
    red and is a beautiful color. The natural collection sherbet is a very nude skin tone but has
    some glitter in it and finally the eyeshadow is just a beautiful creamy, natural shade.

2. Is a top from George for only £5, it has lace details on the shoulders and the back, its baggy
    but is also forgiving.
3. A black leather belt with gold chain detail cost me £1.
4. The second top I bagged is from H&M and cost me £3, which I thought was a pure bargain its
    a spring orange with lace detail on the shoulder and is a butterfly style, its tight but in all the
    right places.
5. Cuff link earring from Claires it was £4.50
6. Drop flower style earring from Claires these cost me £4, I also have a pair of butterfly hoops
    as it was 3 for 2 but the photos came out to bad to use.
7. A set of two belts in a dark silver and a gold copper these were £1.50 from George.

And finally a best friend shamballa style bracelet that I gave the other half to Laura, this just seemed appropriate at the time and make us feel 12 for a few hours.

Nostalgia can be a big thing when you are buying things, especially when you mix old ideas with new fashions, these cost £7 and I think they were worth it, if not for the nostalgia at least for the fun factor of reliving your teens.

So I spent about £45 today when you add it all together and I feel that I walked away with a good few choices for this money and if not, who cares, I am a woman and shopping is in me!

I love things that twinkle and glisten and glow in a warm way, this is why my house is filled with things that light up and cast a warm glow over the area. I'd rather have a lamp and a candle going than the main light. Above are a few things I have bought to aid me in my insane quest to only cast shadows in my house!
A lot may be different candles or just holders, but I love them all and if I could afford it I would more than likely light my house only by candle lights and fairy lights, alas eventually they would cost more as unless they are led lights or really really cheap tea light (and I love scented ones) they would not be cheaper than an energy saving and efficient bulb. The world is against my life by candle.

After being off work for 17 days and going back into one mad week, I can tell you that I'm not feeling great right now.

So I work in Tesco in one of the largest stores in the UK, I am a Team Leader on the Checkout and I deal with over 100 staff and thousands of customers in a week. Short of running around for both, I barely get a moment to sit down or take any stock. Our store which was expected to have calmed down now is taking on a mind of its own (fueled by the customers who visit it) and is increasingly getting more and more busy. I love my job and the challenges it brings, I do not however, love the impact it has on my body.

I am a large girl (that is not my jobs fault), I like my food. If anyone calls me fat I fully admit to being the only one in control of my body. I do however have a few health issues that may be exagerated by my weight but not created by it. A few weeks before Christmas I pulled my shoulder in work, Its still hurting and has even increased in pain. it has been almost 4 months since the initial cause and I now have cream that I have been rubbing in for a week with no difference made. My next possible move is an injection into the muscle that only has a 1 in 3 chance on improving it.

I have weak ankles, created from a injury when I was 13, my ankle could give way at any time or I may twist one at any time. This has led me to pull the ligament in my left ankle and twist it so hard it even dislocated. I have never broken either ankle and this is due to the high arch on my feet which makes it really hard for me to break them. This problem has not been helped by my weight, but once again its not the cause either and even if I was normal, I could still easily twist my ankle and when I was a normal size, I still did so frequently.

I fell on my knee onto solid concrete 10 years ago and it has never been right since, it frequently seizes up and causes me so much pain to unseize it that I end up crying. After a long day in work it hurts (and teamed with my ankle this is no picnic). I went to the doctors once and was told it was a genetic condition and was given some anti-inflamitory pills, which did nothing. It also took them 10 years to send me to physio for my ankles and with my shoulder now, I'm not really in any high hopes for a solution any time this decade.

My back is always in pain, even when I don't do anything, its all just varying degrees of pain. I suffer from asthma, which running around all day does not help, but it gets worse in the summer as the heat really gets to my breathing. I suffer from migraines which can lay me up for a day. Constant sleep issues to which I have now (after 15 year) been diagnosed with insomnia, but given nothing to help it. Due to the running around in my job I have developed plantar fasciitis, which is pain in the heel. I tend to have aches and pains, clicks and creaks in most of my joints and I probably have some form of arthritis, but I'm not expecting a diagnosis of any of my problems anytime soon.

So this is me, I live eveyday in pain, some days are easier than others and though I don't have any serious illness that is causing the pain, I wanted to let people out there know that no matter what has caused you pain, if you have any, you should not be afraid to say. I have friends with Fibromyalgia, lupus, early onset arthritis and many other difficulties. Their day to day life is 10times harder than me, but my pain is also 10times worse than others. Also don't be like me, I only go to my doctors when I can't take it any more, because they are inept and nothing ever gets done or I get fobbed off, don't wait or loose faith, your pain could be fixed with the right doctor!

My week has been good and bad, filled with dread at having to go back to work after just over two weeks holiday. So, what have I done: I've gone out and got drunk, seen Oz the great and powerful, Went to the doctors to find that I am slowly falling apart, gone shopping and bitten all my nails off! Yes that was not the best thing that I have done but it happens.

A pretty slow week in some ways and a great one in others, I have almost finished watching all of Greys Anatomy and I have watched Dollhouse. I have been reading a QI book with lots of random facts and generally doing as little as possible.
Inspire by Laura I thought I would join in on this little post. I find it very had coming up with any interesting facts about myself as to me, it's all just mundane and normal stuff.

I have only ever been abroad once, it was to Malta when I was 6.
I don't like spiders, I have nothing against them being in the world I just don't want them in my home!
When I was in High School I actually kept my tamagotchi pet alive until the end though no one believed me.
Until recently I had too beanie/soft toys. When I packed them up to give to charity they took up 5 black bags! I now have 3 shelves full.
I can remember when a can of coke cost 25p not 70p and when a 500ml bottle cost 50p not £1.10.
I love plants, but can't keep them alive for too long.
I'm a coke girl, not a big fan of pepsi at all.
If I won the lottery I would buy an Aston Martin DB9.
It took me 3 driving instructor to pass my test, not because I was crap, I passed each test on my first go, but I started to learn when I was 18 and then got my own place and couldn't afford it, started again when I was 24 but my instructor kept dragging his heels so eventually I moved somewhere else to be told that I was ready after one lesson and that was that, 8 weeks later I was a full licence holder.
If I had the space and money I would pretty much be a hoarder, I hate throwing anything that may be useful away.
My hair is very fine but I have a lot of it which makes it thick, every hair dresser I've ever gone to has pointed this out, and then moaned that because of this combination it takes a while to dry it.
Things always come in 3s for me, it may sound silly but it does, If I break something I break two other things as well, If I hurt myself I have 2 other pains to endue too.
When it comes to Tea, I like Tetley. I felt this was important in case I'm ever invited for tea.
I have 5 permanent scars, 2 of these are on my face, all but one occurred before I was 11.
When I smile, there is more gum than teeth.
I used to have my belly button pierced, but my body rejected it.
I love the smell of book, the paper, the print the binder glue, there is nothing like it for freshness, besides grass.
I don't have any outstanding talents, but I am good at a number of things.
I could re-read the Harry Potter series over and over and never get bored of it.
and finally...
I used to have a goldfish that had black tips on his fins and tail so I called him Finnmeister and I had two hamster and I called them both Carley because as a child it was my favourite name.
February basically consisted of
  Nights out, more than I have in the last 6 months combined,
  Alcohol, more than the last 6 months combined, 
  Dancing, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Watching TV Shows, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Cleaning, yup you guessed it more than the last 6 months combined,
yes, there is a pattern forming with my list, February saw me turning 27 and its as if the closer to 30 the more I have sped up my fun, however with funds now unbelievably short, It will be back to almost nothing for a while. I've gotten hooked on Bones and Greys Anatomy and also Storage Wars, which was entirely by accident.

I have gone out with Laura more times than you can count on a hand in one month and our text conversation have reached a all time strangeness, that can no longer be completely explained without some neurological damage.

This month I have laughed and Cried, been worried and relieved and all in all forgotten more than I have remembered! I've been in lots of pain due to lots of different reason and have to wait another week until my doctors appointment. My husband may have sleep apnea  and will have to wait anywhere between 6 months to 2 years to get into the sleep clinic and in the meantime I have to pick up the slack when it comes to his severely ailing memory, Alas I should be thankful for what I have as its a lot better than most, but I feel we all dwell on the bad!

February has had a lot of ups and down and now going into March I can only keep my fingers crossed that the good remains and the bad goes away. May the spring bring more sun and joy.