Inspire by Laura I thought I would join in on this little post. I find it very had coming up with any interesting facts about myself as to me, it's all just mundane and normal stuff.

I have only ever been abroad once, it was to Malta when I was 6.
I don't like spiders, I have nothing against them being in the world I just don't want them in my home!
When I was in High School I actually kept my tamagotchi pet alive until the end though no one believed me.
Until recently I had too beanie/soft toys. When I packed them up to give to charity they took up 5 black bags! I now have 3 shelves full.
I can remember when a can of coke cost 25p not 70p and when a 500ml bottle cost 50p not £1.10.
I love plants, but can't keep them alive for too long.
I'm a coke girl, not a big fan of pepsi at all.
If I won the lottery I would buy an Aston Martin DB9.
It took me 3 driving instructor to pass my test, not because I was crap, I passed each test on my first go, but I started to learn when I was 18 and then got my own place and couldn't afford it, started again when I was 24 but my instructor kept dragging his heels so eventually I moved somewhere else to be told that I was ready after one lesson and that was that, 8 weeks later I was a full licence holder.
If I had the space and money I would pretty much be a hoarder, I hate throwing anything that may be useful away.
My hair is very fine but I have a lot of it which makes it thick, every hair dresser I've ever gone to has pointed this out, and then moaned that because of this combination it takes a while to dry it.
Things always come in 3s for me, it may sound silly but it does, If I break something I break two other things as well, If I hurt myself I have 2 other pains to endue too.
When it comes to Tea, I like Tetley. I felt this was important in case I'm ever invited for tea.
I have 5 permanent scars, 2 of these are on my face, all but one occurred before I was 11.
When I smile, there is more gum than teeth.
I used to have my belly button pierced, but my body rejected it.
I love the smell of book, the paper, the print the binder glue, there is nothing like it for freshness, besides grass.
I don't have any outstanding talents, but I am good at a number of things.
I could re-read the Harry Potter series over and over and never get bored of it.
and finally...
I used to have a goldfish that had black tips on his fins and tail so I called him Finnmeister and I had two hamster and I called them both Carley because as a child it was my favourite name.
Monday was a normal day to most people, went to work, looked after the kids, not for me. For me it was my 27th Birthday and to be fair it was one of the best birthdays Ive had in a long time. A lot of my birthdays since I was 18 have been ok but not good. This year I was spoiled and am still looking forward to one more night out, courtesy of Laura as the final celebration.
Lots of presents, went out for a meal and just generally had lots of fun, roll on next year!
A new year is a chance to take stock of what you did last year, weather you had a good or a bad year. It is the time we all look back and make goals/resolutions to change what we did not like to try and improve the year to come.

Life tends to get in the way, and I in particular, will not lie and say that I achieve my wishes. For me they normally last until March. I have recently been thinking (philosophy is not my strong point, so bare with me) that a lot of the times, I have noticed that we tend to focus on the bad things of the previous year.

We tend to make goals such as I want to loose weight, I want to stop smoking, I Will find a man, these are all things that are generally negatives that we perceived over the last year. I feel that we sometimes focus on ourselves to much, not to say that self-improvement is wrong, I'm saying nothing of the sort, all I am saying is that we always try to change ourselves and yet most of the time we fail by the middle of the new year. (to anyone who makes goals and achieves them, then I must say that I truly admire your will power)

Maybe its time we start looking at the good things, for example, if you made a new friend your resolution could be to be the best friend you could want to that person, if your family has been good to you, you could think of ways to show your appreciation. Just look at the good things and think on what you would like to continue to do for the next year.

All I am thinking is that a lot of the time making small changes stick more than big changes, so if we maybe made one big goal and the rest were positive things that we wanted to continue to bring into our lives then maybe, just maybe we wouldn't fail.