Its almost that time of the year, with children dressing up and old party favorites such as bobbing for apples becomes a common household scene. When I was a child Halloween was special to me, but as an adult it has lost a lot of its lustre. Instead I almost dread the teenagers who wear a scream mask and demand that you give them a treat or they will egg your house, not even original threats anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I love to see little children get dressed up and I love giving them sweets, it just the few that always ruin it for the many! Just like at Christmas when they come round to sing carols and sing 7 words and expect 50p in their hands, I don't thinks so! Though little kids who stutter it are cute!
Wishing all a Happy and Safe Halloween
I remember dressing as a Witch at my nans and bobbing for apple with the fake nails on. I remember that one year my dad made me a lantern out of coat hangers and papier mache and made it look like Dracula. I also remember the year that my dad cracked his head and spending most of Halloween in A&E and seeing real life scares in the form of blood! and afterwards walking through the town and seeing the costumes that people were wearing.
I can definitely see that Halloween is getting bigger in this country. even since I was a child, there is a lot more items being sold, more people doing party's and more children going trick or treating than ever before. I can easily see that in another 10-15 years it will almost be as big as in Amer

I had a deprived childhood as I was never allowed to go trick or treating, but there was always a party to go to, sometimes at my nans or sometimes a friends, and on a few occasions in school.

Still as the nights get darker and the air gets colder, Halloween is a welcomed sign of winter and the festivities that start the run up to Christmas. Bonfire night next, then lights, excitement and wrapping that is Christmas.
With Halloween fast approaching I wanted to talk about something I love, I have decided to touch on 'Tim Burton's - The Nightmare Before Christmas'

What can I say about this film, I love it, I love it so much that I randomly start to sing the songs. Its a strange thing as when I first got this (it was a Christmas present from my parents the year that it came out, I was 7) I was not really impressed by it. I liked it but not so much as to watch it more than once a year. Fast forward to my teens, say 16, and I started to like it more, by the time I was 20 it became my favorite film. I love lots of films, but there is something about the lines that these kind of films cross that just draw me in!

There is a certain element of darkness, but not enough to scare. There are lots of horrific things but they are on a fine line that is crossed with humor. The right amount of love and hate between characters and actions. A story that draws you in and makes you forget that you are watching an animation. Songs that are both eerie and beautiful. As an adult I can see what makes this such an amazing film. I find that the what makes the nightmare before christmas so great was lacking a little bit in the corpse bride, but I love that film as well.

I have grown into an obsession with Jack, and have 3 figurines (I also have 2 from the corpse bride) posters, a snowglobe, a cushion and an ability to troll the internet looking for cool thing with jack on for hours and hours. I am also amazed at the level of skill and technique that you need to do stop motion animation and it makes me admire the workers of such films in a way that I don't admire many other people. Its a shame that it is a dying art!

I am waiting patiently now for my husband's next day off so we can go and watch 'frankenweenie'. I just hope it lives up to Tim Burton's previous stop animation films.