Inspire by Laura I thought I would join in on this little post. I find it very had coming up with any interesting facts about myself as to me, it's all just mundane and normal stuff.

I have only ever been abroad once, it was to Malta when I was 6.
I don't like spiders, I have nothing against them being in the world I just don't want them in my home!
When I was in High School I actually kept my tamagotchi pet alive until the end though no one believed me.
Until recently I had too beanie/soft toys. When I packed them up to give to charity they took up 5 black bags! I now have 3 shelves full.
I can remember when a can of coke cost 25p not 70p and when a 500ml bottle cost 50p not £1.10.
I love plants, but can't keep them alive for too long.
I'm a coke girl, not a big fan of pepsi at all.
If I won the lottery I would buy an Aston Martin DB9.
It took me 3 driving instructor to pass my test, not because I was crap, I passed each test on my first go, but I started to learn when I was 18 and then got my own place and couldn't afford it, started again when I was 24 but my instructor kept dragging his heels so eventually I moved somewhere else to be told that I was ready after one lesson and that was that, 8 weeks later I was a full licence holder.
If I had the space and money I would pretty much be a hoarder, I hate throwing anything that may be useful away.
My hair is very fine but I have a lot of it which makes it thick, every hair dresser I've ever gone to has pointed this out, and then moaned that because of this combination it takes a while to dry it.
Things always come in 3s for me, it may sound silly but it does, If I break something I break two other things as well, If I hurt myself I have 2 other pains to endue too.
When it comes to Tea, I like Tetley. I felt this was important in case I'm ever invited for tea.
I have 5 permanent scars, 2 of these are on my face, all but one occurred before I was 11.
When I smile, there is more gum than teeth.
I used to have my belly button pierced, but my body rejected it.
I love the smell of book, the paper, the print the binder glue, there is nothing like it for freshness, besides grass.
I don't have any outstanding talents, but I am good at a number of things.
I could re-read the Harry Potter series over and over and never get bored of it.
and finally...
I used to have a goldfish that had black tips on his fins and tail so I called him Finnmeister and I had two hamster and I called them both Carley because as a child it was my favourite name.
I was reading a blog I follow and found this post and decided to do one of my own.
Thirty thing to do before I'm 30, as its only just over 3 years away I will not do an extravagant list, just a few simple things I would like to achieve. Some of them may take more than a few years to do this should really be a goal of 35 or 40 I think.

go to a west end show with Laura
buy £100 make up in one go
get an Ipad
go for a weekend away
do a murder mystery weekend
Improve my blog
Learn to play Keyboard again
Improve my singing
Read 100 books (will do that no prob)
Paint some feature walls in my home
Watch 100 Films (will achieve this one very easily too)
Loose 5 stone
buy more grown up clothes, less design pictures more plain items
actually start booking doctors appointments when i need them and not months later
Try something new like salsa dancing or karate
spend more time out doors on sunny days
buy more purple things for my home (its my fav color)
get to Cardiff at least 3 times a year
Go ice skating
Go to a beach and watch a sunrise
Drink more coffee, esp Starbucks
train my feet/strengthen my ankles so I can wear the 4 pairs of 6inch heels I adamantly keep
Visit a Zoo
Play a game from start to finish instead of getting bored half way through
Buy an item of clothing costing over £30
Start wearing earrings on a daily basis (and actually buy some)
Go Paint balling (don't care about the pain)
Buy a new car
Be more adventurous with food (and generally)
Actually write a letter of complaint about something that has upset me instead of moaning.

A lot are simple choices and some are going to take money, but most are doable and if not in the next three then in the next eight years.

Every Year, I make new years resolutions and I normally end up breaking them by the middle of Febuary!

This year I have decided to make my normal resolutions, but treat them as a goal more than a promise. I want to loose weight and to try and text my friends more, see certain people more and make more of an effort at keeping my place clean and tidy by doing things everyday.

Its strange to think that I don't text much, but I normally only text certain friends once a week, and I really want to break the habit of round robin text to everyone just saying hey how are you?

My place is never a pigsty or really dirty, I just seem to let certain things go and build up before i do them, like putting the washing away, there are 3 loads worth sitting on the spare bed that I need to sort out and put away. I will do this today. My bf Laura, lives her life by lists and as much as I love a good list I normally end up forgetting I even have one. Most of my lists are mental ones, that I tick off once its done!

My last goal is to just be more appreciative of everything, from a roof over my head, to a warm place, to my husband and friends to always having food in the cupboard. I feel ive taken a lot for granted lately and I want to start being less expectant at these things and more happy that I have them.

Most of this I will never afford, This is my dream List and If there was ever a person out there that wanted to give me all my hearts desire this list is it!

I want a kindle, I hated them to begin with and now I have decided I cant live without one!
Induction cooker, yes please, only heats up when the pans are placed on them, if you touch it with your hand it feels cold, the ultimate in safety and good for idiots like my husband.
I have always wanted an American style fridge freezer, just seems so much more elegant.
A cyber mirror for the bathroom, wifi equipt so you can watch anything you want and it's a mirror behind it, I need this in my life!
I mac, yes please.
Toshiba 3D tv, No Glasses needed, first one commercially in the world, only £7000!
Of course I need a nice big house to fit it all in!
My two make up wants (much more realistic) is the Urban Decay Naked Palette and Pretty Much anything from Benefit to do with highlighting or coverup!
1) Cold Crisp Evenings - I love it when its dry but really cold and you walk outside. You can see your breath, the evening air hits your face and you get that tingle in you cheeks. Its something I love because it reminds me of being a child and going to see firework displays, Santa in his grotto and visiting relatives.
2) Frost - I love the way it sparkles on everything, Okay I despise having to clean frost off my car and I hate falling on the floor, but it makes the world look pretty and fresh, It makes the world glitter and wink and feel like anything is possible.
3) Snow - I mostly love snow first thing in the morning, when no one has walked in it, the world is a white fuzzy cotton ball and it sounds so quiet and calm, the blanketed white of everything is so bright and powerful that it wipes away any dreary colors of greys and blacks and makes everything uniform. I find I am more relaxed in the snow and I enjoy throwing snowballs at my husband!
4) The Dark - The fact that the evening are darker for longer is lovely, it makes you appreciate the daylight. More than that it means that Christmas is on its way.
5) November - I love this month as its the gear up to Christmas in stores, you start to see Christmas decorations and towns/cities turn on their Christmas light and decorations. There is a real spirit in the air in November and I love seeing the lights twinkle in the cold air.

6) Wrapping - It may sound strange but I hate the actual wrapping of presents, but I love the final outcome. I love looking at something wrapped and knowing what is in it but that the intended recipient will have a nice surprise. I love to give,
7) Layering - The cold comes and you start to put on layers, I tend to wear legging and knee length socks under my jeans/trousers. I normally wear a vest top, a long sleeve top and a jumper plus my knee length coat. I also wear a scarf, hat and gloves. this comes back to cold evenings as there is nothing better than piling on the layer and leaving your house and staying warm, but also after being out for hours the reverse it true. Coming in from the cold and feeling the warm air hit you and removing your layers.
8) Decorations - as mentioned in #5 - November, I love the decorations in towns and cities, I also love putting up my own. Buying some new ones every year, adding to the original, spending a good evening deciding the best place for things to go. I also love looking at other peoples decorations, seeing what they like and the effort they have made.
9) Candles - I love to burn candles all year round, but in the winter, during the darker nights, candles take on a life of their own. They are much more warming and homely, they invite you in and make you feel warmer just by looking at them. Maybe its just a left over caveman instinct, but I love to light a candle or 3 in the evening to bring that soft glow to my life.
10) Christmas - Yes, I love Christmas, I have not grown up. My husband and I do a stocking for each other. We wake up (well I say wake up, we normally barely sleep no more than 3 hours on xmas eve) open our stockings. Then while we fully wake up, he puts the kettle on and makes a cup of chocolate. we then open all the other presents. I love it all, cooking dinner, feeling stuffed after overeating, watching tv/dvds, staying in all day and just the whole day.
Our Christmas this year will be a little strange as my husband has to work on Christmas Day, so we are going to do the dinner on boxing day. We will still make the most of it.