I found this on the ever fabulous What Laura Did blog and have decided to do this tag, as I haven't done a tag post for a long time.

What’s your favourite Spring nail polish?
At the moment I don't really have one this is due to the fact that in a stressful week I bit of all my nails and are currently trying to re-grow them, I have a lovely nars blue and coral barry m, but until my nails are back i wont be using them.

What is your must-have lip colour this Spring?
Coral, Coral, Coral, Rimmel Kate Moss matte lipstick in 110, Party Parrot, there are lots of similar choices.

Show us your favourite Spring dress?
I love this vintage 50s style dress on Ebay, however it is not in my size currently and I don't really have the funding to purchase it, but when I do I need to but it.

What’s your favourite flower?
I love Tulips, I love the colors, I love the look, I love that they can brighten up my day just by looking at them. Although as I am Welsh I am also quite partial to dafodils.

What is your favourite Spring scarf/accessory?
I have a lovely scarf that is pink and slightly floral with humming birds on it, however I can not find it to take any pictures of it and I can't remember where i got it from

What Spring trends are you most excited about this year (fashion, makeup or both)?
I'm looking forward to the floral and lace trends, I especially love lace on the shoulders.

Favourite Spring candle?
Bahama breeze from yankee candle is a beautiful fruity smell and there is also beautiful citrus scented candle, but i only smelt it in work and I can not remember the make, other than that I just love normal scents, like berries and clean linen.

Favourite body spray/perfume?
DKNY be delicious, its a fab scent for summer.

What is Spring like where you live?
Spring in Newport can be lovely, depending on where you are, there are beautiful parks and gardens that when in bloom can spark you imagination and take your breath away, even the sun glistening off the normally muddy water in the river can capture you eye and make the water look almost green.

What’s your favourite thing about Spring?
I love that the evening get lighter and the days get warmer (well normally), the heating slowly gets turned off and the sun wakes you up. The breeze can carry the scent of flowers and freshly cut grass and everyone seems to feel happier.

Are you a Spring cleaner?
I do spring clean, But I generally do a 'spring' clean every few months anyway, but there is something about doing it in spring, getting rid of the old, cleaning out the cupboards, fresh carpets, fresh start.

Any plans for a Spring break or upcoming vacation?
I have a wedding to go to in July and I'm going to try and save to go away for my 2nd year anniversary in September, but no real holidays, just time off work to sit at home and relax

  I tag you all to do this post and reveal more about yourself.




Its been over a week since my last post but it seems as if the time has flown by in a whirl, I can't believe its been over a week since I even looked at the internet.

Time is such an odd experience, when you want it to slow it seems to fly by and when you want it to go quickly it can be the slowest moving thing in the world. I have to say that as I get older it moves faster in general, as if your racing towards the day you will finally no longer be on this earth, and time does not want you to enjoy it as you get inevitably closer.

'Time Heals Everything' is a popular saying and one I can admit to using thought its not really true, Time can make things feel less painful, time can heal but only physically, time can tick on forever and some things are as painful as the day they happened. We forget more than we remember and time takes away our youth and innocence but it can never take away who you are!

philosophical I am not, but small things get me thinking about life and time is the main one, 'death and taxes' are the only thing in life that are certain, but time going on is another one, even if the human race died out tomorrow or our galaxy explodes into nothing, time as we know it will keep on going, though we wouldn't be around to measure it.

So i guess that we just need to know to take each day as it comes and try and enjoy the little things in life as nothing is certain.
What you wear can make you look slimmer or larger, its all about knowing your shape and what flatters it best, there are a lot of exception to the rules, so don't rule anything you like out until you try it, fashion is what you make of it and being bold and confident enough to own what your wear and create your own style is half the battle won. here are a few things I have found that can help to make you look slimmer.

wear clothes that fit but flow over you,  if you do wear skinny jeans or tight leggings go looser of the top to balance it out.
garments with blocks of color on side panels or some prints will help to fool the eye into giving shape.
sometimes wearing a single color can help, or different shades of the same color. choose a color that is good with your complexion and build on it, its amazing how varying degrees of purple can be slimming.
semi fitted clothing can be a godsend, try not to wear items that are too clingy or too baggy, a jacket with a pinched in waist can make a look.
However, on a slightly contradictory note to earlier, try and avoid bright colors and block patterns as they are not always helpful.
Too many dark colors can be pointless as much as black is slimming, wearing black from top to bottom can make you look no different, add a splash of color in a belt or cardigan, something to break up the color and give the eye something to focus on.
Avoid horizontal stripes, they can add a lot of 'girth to your size' try vertical stripes or clothing that have a slight pinstripe to them, they add the illusion that you are longer than you are.
Don't be afraid of your size, if your and 18, buy size 18 clothes, trying to squeeze into a smaller size is not going to make you look or feel good.

These are just some tips and tricks that I have used, there are lots more out there, but overall
BE CONFIDENT in who you are and what you are wearing, we are all beautiful.


After being off work for 17 days and going back into one mad week, I can tell you that I'm not feeling great right now.

So I work in Tesco in one of the largest stores in the UK, I am a Team Leader on the Checkout and I deal with over 100 staff and thousands of customers in a week. Short of running around for both, I barely get a moment to sit down or take any stock. Our store which was expected to have calmed down now is taking on a mind of its own (fueled by the customers who visit it) and is increasingly getting more and more busy. I love my job and the challenges it brings, I do not however, love the impact it has on my body.

I am a large girl (that is not my jobs fault), I like my food. If anyone calls me fat I fully admit to being the only one in control of my body. I do however have a few health issues that may be exagerated by my weight but not created by it. A few weeks before Christmas I pulled my shoulder in work, Its still hurting and has even increased in pain. it has been almost 4 months since the initial cause and I now have cream that I have been rubbing in for a week with no difference made. My next possible move is an injection into the muscle that only has a 1 in 3 chance on improving it.

I have weak ankles, created from a injury when I was 13, my ankle could give way at any time or I may twist one at any time. This has led me to pull the ligament in my left ankle and twist it so hard it even dislocated. I have never broken either ankle and this is due to the high arch on my feet which makes it really hard for me to break them. This problem has not been helped by my weight, but once again its not the cause either and even if I was normal, I could still easily twist my ankle and when I was a normal size, I still did so frequently.

I fell on my knee onto solid concrete 10 years ago and it has never been right since, it frequently seizes up and causes me so much pain to unseize it that I end up crying. After a long day in work it hurts (and teamed with my ankle this is no picnic). I went to the doctors once and was told it was a genetic condition and was given some anti-inflamitory pills, which did nothing. It also took them 10 years to send me to physio for my ankles and with my shoulder now, I'm not really in any high hopes for a solution any time this decade.

My back is always in pain, even when I don't do anything, its all just varying degrees of pain. I suffer from asthma, which running around all day does not help, but it gets worse in the summer as the heat really gets to my breathing. I suffer from migraines which can lay me up for a day. Constant sleep issues to which I have now (after 15 year) been diagnosed with insomnia, but given nothing to help it. Due to the running around in my job I have developed plantar fasciitis, which is pain in the heel. I tend to have aches and pains, clicks and creaks in most of my joints and I probably have some form of arthritis, but I'm not expecting a diagnosis of any of my problems anytime soon.

So this is me, I live eveyday in pain, some days are easier than others and though I don't have any serious illness that is causing the pain, I wanted to let people out there know that no matter what has caused you pain, if you have any, you should not be afraid to say. I have friends with Fibromyalgia, lupus, early onset arthritis and many other difficulties. Their day to day life is 10times harder than me, but my pain is also 10times worse than others. Also don't be like me, I only go to my doctors when I can't take it any more, because they are inept and nothing ever gets done or I get fobbed off, don't wait or loose faith, your pain could be fixed with the right doctor!

Inspire by Laura I thought I would join in on this little post. I find it very had coming up with any interesting facts about myself as to me, it's all just mundane and normal stuff.

I have only ever been abroad once, it was to Malta when I was 6.
I don't like spiders, I have nothing against them being in the world I just don't want them in my home!
When I was in High School I actually kept my tamagotchi pet alive until the end though no one believed me.
Until recently I had too beanie/soft toys. When I packed them up to give to charity they took up 5 black bags! I now have 3 shelves full.
I can remember when a can of coke cost 25p not 70p and when a 500ml bottle cost 50p not £1.10.
I love plants, but can't keep them alive for too long.
I'm a coke girl, not a big fan of pepsi at all.
If I won the lottery I would buy an Aston Martin DB9.
It took me 3 driving instructor to pass my test, not because I was crap, I passed each test on my first go, but I started to learn when I was 18 and then got my own place and couldn't afford it, started again when I was 24 but my instructor kept dragging his heels so eventually I moved somewhere else to be told that I was ready after one lesson and that was that, 8 weeks later I was a full licence holder.
If I had the space and money I would pretty much be a hoarder, I hate throwing anything that may be useful away.
My hair is very fine but I have a lot of it which makes it thick, every hair dresser I've ever gone to has pointed this out, and then moaned that because of this combination it takes a while to dry it.
Things always come in 3s for me, it may sound silly but it does, If I break something I break two other things as well, If I hurt myself I have 2 other pains to endue too.
When it comes to Tea, I like Tetley. I felt this was important in case I'm ever invited for tea.
I have 5 permanent scars, 2 of these are on my face, all but one occurred before I was 11.
When I smile, there is more gum than teeth.
I used to have my belly button pierced, but my body rejected it.
I love the smell of book, the paper, the print the binder glue, there is nothing like it for freshness, besides grass.
I don't have any outstanding talents, but I am good at a number of things.
I could re-read the Harry Potter series over and over and never get bored of it.
and finally...
I used to have a goldfish that had black tips on his fins and tail so I called him Finnmeister and I had two hamster and I called them both Carley because as a child it was my favourite name.
February basically consisted of
  Nights out, more than I have in the last 6 months combined,
  Alcohol, more than the last 6 months combined, 
  Dancing, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Watching TV Shows, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Cleaning, yup you guessed it more than the last 6 months combined,
yes, there is a pattern forming with my list, February saw me turning 27 and its as if the closer to 30 the more I have sped up my fun, however with funds now unbelievably short, It will be back to almost nothing for a while. I've gotten hooked on Bones and Greys Anatomy and also Storage Wars, which was entirely by accident.

I have gone out with Laura more times than you can count on a hand in one month and our text conversation have reached a all time strangeness, that can no longer be completely explained without some neurological damage.

This month I have laughed and Cried, been worried and relieved and all in all forgotten more than I have remembered! I've been in lots of pain due to lots of different reason and have to wait another week until my doctors appointment. My husband may have sleep apnea  and will have to wait anywhere between 6 months to 2 years to get into the sleep clinic and in the meantime I have to pick up the slack when it comes to his severely ailing memory, Alas I should be thankful for what I have as its a lot better than most, but I feel we all dwell on the bad!

February has had a lot of ups and down and now going into March I can only keep my fingers crossed that the good remains and the bad goes away. May the spring bring more sun and joy.
Monday was a normal day to most people, went to work, looked after the kids, not for me. For me it was my 27th Birthday and to be fair it was one of the best birthdays Ive had in a long time. A lot of my birthdays since I was 18 have been ok but not good. This year I was spoiled and am still looking forward to one more night out, courtesy of Laura as the final celebration.
Lots of presents, went out for a meal and just generally had lots of fun, roll on next year!
I have unfortunately not been posting in the last week this is due to my sudden and inexplicable need to watch bones.

I caught up on season  and that was It I had to start watching them from the beginning, It has taken over my life in the last week and besides normal things such as work and cleaning all my other time has gone into watching this show.

I Love Love Love Bones, the story lines and the interpersonal work dynamic is fantastic, plus David Boreanaz is one sexy man, so sexy that hes one of the only men that my husband would not turn down.

For once the weather man has been right and we've had a nice influx of snow. 9 times out of 10 they say were going to have snow and we have literally 20 flakes and that is it.

I have a love hate relationship with snow, I love to play in it and it looks stunning but it increases the chance of me twisting my ankle or having an accident.

I love the way that silence falls when there is a thick layer of snow on the ground, everything sounds muted and quiet. the uniform white is pretty and bright and relaxing. The smell as well, snow is fresh and clean and pure.

A good snow storm is a great start to the year, all I hope is that it doesn't turn to ice!

I was reading a blog I follow and found this post and decided to do one of my own.
Thirty thing to do before I'm 30, as its only just over 3 years away I will not do an extravagant list, just a few simple things I would like to achieve. Some of them may take more than a few years to do this should really be a goal of 35 or 40 I think.

go to a west end show with Laura
buy £100 make up in one go
get an Ipad
go for a weekend away
do a murder mystery weekend
Improve my blog
Learn to play Keyboard again
Improve my singing
Read 100 books (will do that no prob)
Paint some feature walls in my home
Watch 100 Films (will achieve this one very easily too)
Loose 5 stone
buy more grown up clothes, less design pictures more plain items
actually start booking doctors appointments when i need them and not months later
Try something new like salsa dancing or karate
spend more time out doors on sunny days
buy more purple things for my home (its my fav color)
get to Cardiff at least 3 times a year
Go ice skating
Go to a beach and watch a sunrise
Drink more coffee, esp Starbucks
train my feet/strengthen my ankles so I can wear the 4 pairs of 6inch heels I adamantly keep
Visit a Zoo
Play a game from start to finish instead of getting bored half way through
Buy an item of clothing costing over £30
Start wearing earrings on a daily basis (and actually buy some)
Go Paint balling (don't care about the pain)
Buy a new car
Be more adventurous with food (and generally)
Actually write a letter of complaint about something that has upset me instead of moaning.

A lot are simple choices and some are going to take money, but most are doable and if not in the next three then in the next eight years.