


Being comfortable in you own skin is something that is not always as simple as it sounds. Insecurities about a certain aspect, spots/blemishes or perhaps a scar that is the bane of you life, all make us unhappy about our looks. I have plenty of things that I would love to change, my nose is too round, my cheeks are too flat and my eyelashes are actually 5x longer than they look, its just the tips are clear and I need mascara to show them. I also have two scars on my face one under my eyebrow and one on my upper lip. 

All of my dislikes can easily be hidden by make up, by contouring and concealing. I can't say I have bad skin or lots of spots, like a lot of people I do have some breakouts and when I get a bad spot it really can be the little zit that wouldn't go away. Finding things that you don't like or would change about yourself is a lot easier than finding things you like. I believe that we are all far too negative and being complimentary or positive is more difficult as 90% of what we see/read is negative and harsh.

Technically, even if you choose 5 things you like about yourself your letting up that there are negatives, your just not saying them, but it's a habit we should try and get out of. If I have to choose 5 things I like about my face these are them:
  1. My Eyebrows are pretty natural and take very little upkeep or plucking
  2. My skin is pretty clear and soft
  3. My lips are big and a nice shape
  4. My eyes (thought you can't really tell the colour) are very pretty and different depending on the light
  5. My chin is small and well proportioned 
I am far from a beautiful and natural beauty and I'm not vain, but I have my good points and bad points like everyone. Finding 5 things was hard but I feel better for taking a long hard look at myself and picking out the good instead of the bad. It's not about changing how you feel overnight, it's about accepting that there are some parts of us that are unlikely to change and though we can cover them up, they are always under the surface and that won't change.

Posting pictures that are bare, that show the real you is never easy, I was scared to show myself without even the basics. I can go to work without make up, but I can not have a picture taken without me looking my best. My personal fears and niggles are my own making, and only I can help myself to change. 

So... I ask anyone who reads this to pick up the courage and show that we are all beautiful, that we all have amazing features, that insecurities will not get the better of us, that negativity can be diffused and that we are strong and proud to be who we are, that flaws will not become us!




Its been over a week since my last post but it seems as if the time has flown by in a whirl, I can't believe its been over a week since I even looked at the internet.

Time is such an odd experience, when you want it to slow it seems to fly by and when you want it to go quickly it can be the slowest moving thing in the world. I have to say that as I get older it moves faster in general, as if your racing towards the day you will finally no longer be on this earth, and time does not want you to enjoy it as you get inevitably closer.

'Time Heals Everything' is a popular saying and one I can admit to using thought its not really true, Time can make things feel less painful, time can heal but only physically, time can tick on forever and some things are as painful as the day they happened. We forget more than we remember and time takes away our youth and innocence but it can never take away who you are!

philosophical I am not, but small things get me thinking about life and time is the main one, 'death and taxes' are the only thing in life that are certain, but time going on is another one, even if the human race died out tomorrow or our galaxy explodes into nothing, time as we know it will keep on going, though we wouldn't be around to measure it.

So i guess that we just need to know to take each day as it comes and try and enjoy the little things in life as nothing is certain.
February basically consisted of
  Nights out, more than I have in the last 6 months combined,
  Alcohol, more than the last 6 months combined, 
  Dancing, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Watching TV Shows, more than the last 6 months combined,
  Cleaning, yup you guessed it more than the last 6 months combined,
yes, there is a pattern forming with my list, February saw me turning 27 and its as if the closer to 30 the more I have sped up my fun, however with funds now unbelievably short, It will be back to almost nothing for a while. I've gotten hooked on Bones and Greys Anatomy and also Storage Wars, which was entirely by accident.

I have gone out with Laura more times than you can count on a hand in one month and our text conversation have reached a all time strangeness, that can no longer be completely explained without some neurological damage.

This month I have laughed and Cried, been worried and relieved and all in all forgotten more than I have remembered! I've been in lots of pain due to lots of different reason and have to wait another week until my doctors appointment. My husband may have sleep apnea  and will have to wait anywhere between 6 months to 2 years to get into the sleep clinic and in the meantime I have to pick up the slack when it comes to his severely ailing memory, Alas I should be thankful for what I have as its a lot better than most, but I feel we all dwell on the bad!

February has had a lot of ups and down and now going into March I can only keep my fingers crossed that the good remains and the bad goes away. May the spring bring more sun and joy.
I haven't done a 'my week' post for ages so this one covers about 2 and a half weeks.
First I gave myself a french manicure, the first one in over a year and I also tried out my nail art kit, not the best result, but I'm happy for my first ever go.
I went out 2 times in the last week, and had lots of fun though one of those time resulted in my friend being asked if he had a 'Knife' I kid you not, It scares me what this world is coming to.
I have slowly started to master gel liner, and can draw a pretty decent line now, so I can say I'm pretty pleased with myself for that!
Some Baileys is essential for pretty much all occasions and I love to read about the up and coming films from total film magazine.
Dyed Lashes, new Kindle cover that is also a stand and starting to color in my Ryan Gosling Book. Great few weeks.
I also got a new tv and coffee table this week though my kindle still rules my heart!

A new year is a chance to take stock of what you did last year, weather you had a good or a bad year. It is the time we all look back and make goals/resolutions to change what we did not like to try and improve the year to come.

Life tends to get in the way, and I in particular, will not lie and say that I achieve my wishes. For me they normally last until March. I have recently been thinking (philosophy is not my strong point, so bare with me) that a lot of the times, I have noticed that we tend to focus on the bad things of the previous year.

We tend to make goals such as I want to loose weight, I want to stop smoking, I Will find a man, these are all things that are generally negatives that we perceived over the last year. I feel that we sometimes focus on ourselves to much, not to say that self-improvement is wrong, I'm saying nothing of the sort, all I am saying is that we always try to change ourselves and yet most of the time we fail by the middle of the new year. (to anyone who makes goals and achieves them, then I must say that I truly admire your will power)

Maybe its time we start looking at the good things, for example, if you made a new friend your resolution could be to be the best friend you could want to that person, if your family has been good to you, you could think of ways to show your appreciation. Just look at the good things and think on what you would like to continue to do for the next year.

All I am thinking is that a lot of the time making small changes stick more than big changes, so if we maybe made one big goal and the rest were positive things that we wanted to continue to bring into our lives then maybe, just maybe we wouldn't fail.

I am constantly re-arranging draws, shelves, changing things around to find better ways to organise things. What can you do to be organised?

First of all lists, I like lists but rarely do them, but from shopping to what housework need to be done to what tv/dvds you need to catch up on. A good list is the basic backbone of any organisation to be done.
When I do my big cleaning days I find them handy to ensure that I havent forgotten anything. I also love ticking things off, I do get a small thrill once its all done and you see a nice row of ticks to prove that you have accomplished your tasks.

Diary/Planner - whether this be your phone or a good old fashion book, Its the only way you can keep track of things. I tend to use my phone and a calendar. Birthdays are particulary difficult for me as bar a few, pretty much all my family and all my husbands family have birthdays jan - march and then I have a few friends in April, thankfully the rest are scattered throughout the year. But without a calendar or diary, I would have a clue of exact date. I have a great memory, and I can tell you the month and get the the date within 10 days, there are only a few people that I can remember exactly!

Don't be afraid to re-arrange, you may find that things work better than you think, I created a whole new draw space just by combining my make up, jewelry and nail stuff to one draw. If you can when it comes to clothes, don't let them build up, when you have a certain amount have a go through them. If like me, when you do, you will find at least 10 items that you no longer wear or are so out of style you could pass them to your grandparent! give them to charity if they are in good nick or turn them to rags for cleaning or for patching up other things if they are worse for wear!

Shelves/Boxes/Units - all can be a saviour to keeping you place tidy and organised, but with all items being pretty expensive it can be a case of building them up over time. have a look in charity shops, B&M bargains even sites such as freecycle to try and build up your furniture for cheap or for free.

try not to procrastinate, if something need to be done, get it done now not tomorrow or next week, it can help you in the long run.

2 more sleeps, one more day, last minute rush and the final calm before the storm. Christmas is almost here, as my friend has said this is Christmas Eve eve!

I love 6pm tomorrow night, when all shops (bar a few corner ones) close and if you haven't remembered or have missed something then its tough cookies, It's just time to relax and calm down and try and enjoy the few hours peace before Christmas day is upon you.

I will be (after a day of drinking and gossip with Laura) having a nice glass of baileys and trying to get ready for the next day where I have to drive over half the city, meeting family and doing different Christmas day activities such as going to church, trying goose for the first time, and stuffing my face with all the junk food I can (Plus lots of presents)

Right now bed is calling me and I can't wait til about 7pm where I get to open 1 present early, I am such a Child!

Its almost that time of the year, with children dressing up and old party favorites such as bobbing for apples becomes a common household scene. When I was a child Halloween was special to me, but as an adult it has lost a lot of its lustre. Instead I almost dread the teenagers who wear a scream mask and demand that you give them a treat or they will egg your house, not even original threats anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I love to see little children get dressed up and I love giving them sweets, it just the few that always ruin it for the many! Just like at Christmas when they come round to sing carols and sing 7 words and expect 50p in their hands, I don't thinks so! Though little kids who stutter it are cute!
Wishing all a Happy and Safe Halloween
I remember dressing as a Witch at my nans and bobbing for apple with the fake nails on. I remember that one year my dad made me a lantern out of coat hangers and papier mache and made it look like Dracula. I also remember the year that my dad cracked his head and spending most of Halloween in A&E and seeing real life scares in the form of blood! and afterwards walking through the town and seeing the costumes that people were wearing.
I can definitely see that Halloween is getting bigger in this country. even since I was a child, there is a lot more items being sold, more people doing party's and more children going trick or treating than ever before. I can easily see that in another 10-15 years it will almost be as big as in Amer

I had a deprived childhood as I was never allowed to go trick or treating, but there was always a party to go to, sometimes at my nans or sometimes a friends, and on a few occasions in school.

Still as the nights get darker and the air gets colder, Halloween is a welcomed sign of winter and the festivities that start the run up to Christmas. Bonfire night next, then lights, excitement and wrapping that is Christmas.
While out with my friend the other day, we got to taking about our party days. 2 years ago we were out every other week and 5 years ago I would quite literally party all weekend. I loved it from the moment I started to get ready, there was an anticipation of the night. Choosing an outfit, putting on the makeup that will inevitably wear off. Even the dullest nights could be made to be great with the addition of a good few shots. I remember getting home and kicking off the heels, while stumbling to the kitchen to get a drink of water. the buzz in my ears, a nice reminder of the music that I danced the night away too.

The conversation was about how we just can't do it anymore. Even the mere though of staying up past 2 is tiring. I still love to get ready and choose outfits, and its not like I will never step food in a club again, I just feel that its too much now. I would much rather go out for a meal and a few drinks or have a girls night in with movies and munchies, other than the party alternative.

I don't think that choosing to stay home or have a quieter evening is something that happens only as you get older, I have a few older friends who never say no to a night out, and have stamina for dancing that I have never had. I think I just feel as that I have done it for the last 10 years, therefore is its now time to have a quiet 10 years before my midlife crisis hits and I will , no doubt, attempt to recapture my youth.

Am I gong to grieve over the loss of my party life - No. I had so much fun, made lots of friends, drank lots of alcohol, spilt lots of drinks, broke loads of tights, ruined shoes, danced til it hurt, sang til my voice was spent, laughed, smiled and spent more money than I'd care to admit, but ultimately made lots of great memories.