Sounds of bags and booms, thumps and  fizzles, squeals and pops, bonfire night has again arrived. This year I am going to a friends party that they claim will be running until the wee hours of the morning. However they are also offering a BBQ with the display so how can I say no, especially when its being made by a chef and he's going to put on his menu his fantastic German potato salad, I just cant get enough of the stuff, at the last BBQ it was the first thing that was gone!

An annual holiday it may be but we must not forget where it all began, when Guy fawkes tried to blow up Parliament, though to be fare with our current bunch of moneys it makes you wonder if history will ever repeat itself? Ummm, just Hope I don't give anyone any ideas!
I have always loved bonfire night, though not so much as my pyromaniac of a husband. Its a cold night and you have a roaring fire to stand next to. When you wake up and go outside the next day there is a mist that hangs over everything and a smell that only comes after bonfire night (and the millenium).
Plus, sparklers, everyone loves a good sparkler, I always use one to write my name, not original but huge amounts of fun!

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