With some bad news this week and a health scare with my very first Asthma attack, I felt that I needed some cheering up. I don't have enough money to get myself a bunch of flowers so I resorted to looking at some pictures on the internet. I have also decided to share them to cheer anyone else up that may need to look at some pretty pieces of nature.

The above pictures made me happy, I love daisy's there is just something about them that makes me think of summer and freshness. Tulips have always been my favorite flowers, I love the shape, the range of colors, sitting in the middle of a tulip field would be my ideal relaxation location. I also like roses and this purple one just seemed extra pretty and bright and finally some lilies, with such a variety in of lilies, I settled on the plain and simple white easter lily.

If anyone else has had a bad week I hope that these few pictures will make you smile, even if its just for a moment.

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