To anyone who reads my blog religiously, I must apologise for being away for so long and for such sporadic posts, I normally only leave it two days between posts. however this week I have spent the better past of the last 3 days in work, and when I wasn't in work I have been out and about, meeting friends and shopping.

This pattern will unfortunately continue to be my weekly life until the new year. I will try and blog as often as possible and I will make time to do a post of what I got for Christmas, but other than that I don't think I will be posting more than once a week. I feel bad for this as I love coming up with new things to say.

I will be going food shopping tonight, was originally going tomorrow morning, but have just found out my partner is off work and he want to help me to lug it up the stairs to the flat, and who said that chivalry is dead? Once this is done all I have to get is some alcoholic bit and pieces for my Christmas eve fun with Laura and to top up the car with petrol to last me over the festive period.

In my life , the countdown has begun and with all but a few presents to wrap and a big shop to do, im in a good position for Christmas this year and I can't wait!

What are you plans for the next two week?

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