Sunday is a day that is divided, the people who think the week starts with a Sunday and the people who believe that the week ends with a Sunday, I tend to go for the latter and I think its because of my school days.

So this is what I have done over the last two weeks, I have been out with Laura to a little hidden away cafe called 'the Secret Garden Cafe' it is a really cute little cafe with amazing fresh food, For the size of the cafe it has a great range of locally sourced produce and fresh veg, I now can not wait to go there again.

I also went to 'The Circus Mondao' which had a two week stay in Newport, It had animals in the Circus which is a rarity these days, it also had a acrobat that looked like the actor who played Richard in Lost and was pretty much the best asset the circus had. Being the giant 5 year old I am, I just had to own a spinning light which I will end up giving to my Nephew. It was enjoyable enough though I have been to better: 'Uncle Sams American Circus' is amazing.

I also cleaned out my cupboard in my hall, I keep forgetting to take my re-usable bags when I go shopping and having to buy more. (If you are not in Wales, we have to pay for all bags we buy including normal plastic carriers and all money goes to a charity of the businesses choice) In the cupboard I have a shelving unit and 2 of the shelves were filled with bags filled with more bags, must have had about 150. So I sorted through them and (threw them away) recycled them. I only done this because for the last 4 months my husband has been moaning about the amount of space they had taken up. Upon showing him the newly cleared area he then decided that I had thrown (recycled) away good money, bloody men!

I have been testing a few lips stains in the last two weeks and have also done a lot of shopping, however my bargain of the week is the ben and jerrys, which at £1.12 I just couldn't leave any on the shelf, Cherry Garcia is my new favourite and it has started to be like gold dust to find. My husband on seeing me writing this post stated that I must be out of things to say, and I told him that I could quite easily write a paragraph on the importance on Ben and Jerrys in my life and that it was a pure bargain at the price it was, so I have only said this much as this is now just to prove him wrong especially after the above tiff!

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